Fili di Zinco

The main application is in the field dell'anticorrosione.

Here Zinc is unsurpassed in combating corrosion of iron structures to which it gives a dual active power: anodic or sacrificial and steps or isolating it from the aggression barrier effect of external corrosive agents.
The higher the thickness of the longest Zinc is the duration of the life cycle of the article.
From 2016, when it started the upward trend, metal prices have experienced a doubling compared to 10 Years ago. (The increase was so violent that caused the failure of several galvanizing in Italy and Europe.)
This causes consumers to find solutions to deal with this situation.
Some reduce the thicknesses of the other zinc alloy coating using Zn / Al 85-15 that while costing 30% more than in the pure Zinc has the advantage of having a higher yield kg / m², a higher hourly output and a higher duration of the coating 30%.
Many users expect a slowdown in prices in order to return to a normal situation.