The 26 July 2017, the arm of a "gondola" Luna Park Ohio State (USA) It sold killing a boy and wounding 7 people. The technical inspections ordered by local courts have found that the rust had corroded the steel arm of the carousel who succumbed suddenly.
The photos show that the rust has corroded the inside.
In Italy, many underestimate the effects caused by rust which erodes steel structures also from the inside, without giving apparent signs outside, determining its sudden collapse with dramatic consequences and economic costs valued at 3% of GDP, pari a 60 billion euro a year. The press reports frequent cases of lighting poles, road signs, playgrounds, street furniture parts, who fall suddenly.
Tragedies like this can be prevented, in the design and implementation, protecting steel structures against the rust with zinc, metal which ensures a twofold passive protection (barrier) isolating it from the environment and active (anodic) since zinc "sacrifices" (and consume) instead of iron.
For equipment intended to games to EN 1176 expressly it provides that they must be protected against corrosion.
The Galvanizing spray, governed by the ISO 2063:2005, is the only system capable of ensuring deposits up to 500 microns with durations exceeding 70-80 years without intermediate maintenance. Duration can be doubled if the zinc coating is then coated.