OSU-Hessler gun ANTICOR

Osu-gun Hessler 400 A ANTICOR

The gun (weight 2,5 Kg ca.) It is equipped with a closed or open system nozzles below the diameter of tension 2,3 mm and an air-atomization system designed specifically for spraying zinc. The gun is connected to the pull-feeder placed on the generator console from a set 8/10 m of cables and hoses: 2 cables, hose atomizer air and control cable.

The gun has the direct-current motor incorporated in the continuous knob provided with a safety system.

You can spray wires are zinc, is aluminum, both of their alloys.

Spraying: 40 kg/h of Zinc a 100 microns thick covering ca. 37 mq/h

10 kg/h of Aluminum a 100 micron play ca. 28 mq/h


Osu-gun Hessler 600 A ANTICOR

The gun, safe and easy to handle, The low-maintenance. E 'it equipped with an open nozzle system (open system) or of a closed nozzle system (closed system) which concentrates the jet and reduces over-spray of 20% about.
The system closed system achieves:
a) very fine and homogenous coatings
b) greater bond coating / support
c) lower porosity of the coating